Detail Survey

What is a detail survey?
Detail surveys are an electronic photocopy of a site so you can design to the conditions on site and become aware of any problems or issues early in your project – not during planning or construction (costing you more time).

Why do you need a high quality detail survey?
We believe detail surveys are more than picking up accurate levels and a few features. At Survey Plus we strive to provide as much information about your site as we can, to assist you in your decision-making. This includes fences, buildings (with window locations, floor levels and roof detail), location of visible services, contours, and all other significant features on site.
Detail, contour and feature surveys are our specialty at Survey Plus, and we believe we can provide the best quality detail surveys with the quickest turnaround. This enables you and your design team to make the best decisions possible and keep your project moving forward.
Survey Plus also specialises in engineering surveying services, such as As Constructed surveys, construction layouts and topographic mapping. However, please note that Survey Plus is not a registered land surveyor and does not conduct activities typical of registered land surveyors, such as property boundary determination and strata boundaries. Clients requiring these types of services need to engage a registered land surveyor, or we can assist with recommendations. Survey Plus remains committed to providing high-quality engineering surveying solutions within our expertise.
Example of a high quality detail survey