High Quality Detail Surveys
We provide detail surveys of high quality that offer both horizontal and vertical information crucial for designing buildings and construction works.
— What we do —
List of Services

Detail Surveys

Contour Surveys

Feature Surveys

Engineering Surveys

Building / construction setouts

Building Elevations

Our promise
At Survey Plus our goal is to provide high quality detail surveys to the building industry in an efficient manner.
— What TO EXPECT —
The benefits
Every survey company gives you heights to make contours, picks up fences, features, driveways and services, but do they give you these benefits:

Install a datum mark (so future work can be set out accurately)

Site report indicating services details, site conditions

Phone calls to Building Designer, Architect or Owner if there are potential challenges on site

Photos of site and surrounding area for your records and reference

Guarantee electronic drawing will insert into designer’s software saving time and money in 2D and 3D format

Arrange underground asset location service providers to be with us onsite.

— Director —
Jarrod Dawes
Jarrod has long standing experience in the field of engineering surveying with around two decades of experience. In 2013 Survey Plus was born and over the past decade Jarrod has been the Managing Director and Operations Manager for Survey Plus and has grown the team to 8 staff servicing all over Tasmania.
Jarrod is passionate about the field of engineering surveying and has previously worked at several notable local surveying businesses. His skills include high quality Detail/Contour Surveys, building setouts and three-dimensional mapping for as-constructed services.